Publication List

under review/revision

Jaiswal P., J. M. Gregg, S. Parks, R. Holman, G.M. Grammer and S. Mohammadi, Evidence of Fault/Fracture “Hydrothermal” Reservoirs in the Southern Midcontinent Mississippian Carbonates, AAPG Memoir

Jaiswal, P., R. Holman and G.M.Grammer, Pitfalls in 3D seismic interpretation: footprints of an irregular source – receiver layout, AAPG Bulletin

Chen, J, C.A. Zelt and P. Jaiswal, Detecting a known near-surface target through application of frequency-dependent traveltime tomography and full waveform inversion to P- and SH-wave seismic refraction data, Geophysics

Ebrahimi, P., and Jaiswal P., Directional filter aided sub-basalt interpretation: a case study-fareo shetland, J. App. Geo.


Peer Reviewed Journals

Singh, Y., R. R. Nair, H. Singh, P. Datta, P. Jaiswal, P. Dewangan, and T. Ramaprasad (2016), Prediction of gas hydrate saturation throughout the seismic section in Krishna Godavari basin using multivariate linear regression and multi-layer feed forward neural network approach, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 9(5), 1-10. DOI: 10.1007/s12517-016-2434-6

Arauza, H. M., A. R. Simms, L. C. Bement, B. J. Carter, T. Conley, A. Woldergauy, W. C. Johnson, and P. Jaiswal (2016), Geomorphic and sedimentary responses of the Bull Creek Valley (Southern High Plains, USA) to Pleistocene and Holocene environmental change, Quaternary Research, 85(1), 118-132. DOI: 10.1016/j.yqres.2015.11.006

Aghayan, A., P. Jaiswal, and H. R. Siahkoohi (2016), Seismic denoising using the redundant lifting scheme, Geophysics, 81(3), V249-V260. DOI: 10.1190/geo2015-0601.1


Expanded Abstracts

Anyiam, U., P. Jaiswal, J. Pashin, M. Abdelsalam, E. Uzuegbu and A. Opara, 2016, 3D seismic attribute expressions of deep offshore Niger Delta, AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Expanded Abstracts


Peer Reviewed Journals:

Clemens, S.C., Kuhnt, W., LeVay, L.J., and the Expedition 353 Scientists, 2015, Indian monsoon rainfall: International Ocean Discovery Program Preliminary Report, 353. DOI: 10.14379/

Jaiswal, P. (2015), Hydrate quantification: Integrating full-waveform inversion, seismic attributes, and rock physics, Interpretation, 4(1), SA55-SA71. DOI: 10.1190/INT-2015-0021.1


Expanded Abstracts:

Zhang, Y., Y. Wang, and P. Jaiswal (2015), A Model for Propagation of Tensile Fractures in Heterogeneous Natural Media, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2015, edited, pp. 5174-5178, Society of Exploration Geophysicists.

Shukla*, K., and P. Jaiswal (2015), Amplitude preservation in multicomponent processing using local similarity, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2015, edited, pp. 2170-2174, Society of Exploration Geophysicists.

Shukla, K., P. Jaiswal, and S. Mallick (2015), A first-arrival wavelet based rotation strategy for 3D-3C Data: A Case Study from Rock Springs Uplift, Wyoming, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2015, edited, pp. 2175-2179, Society of Exploration Geophysicists.

Alam, I., and P. Jaiswal (2015), Near-surface seismic imaging with P-and SH-Wave Full Waveform Inversion, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2015, edited, pp. 2318-2322., Society of Exploration Geophysicists.


Peer Reviewed Journals:

Shukla, K., P. Jaiswal, and C. Singh (2014), Recovering Uniform Coverage in a 3D Survey: Case Study from Onshore Southern India, International Journal of Geophysics, 2014. DOI: 10.1155/2014/987605

Jaiswal, P., B. Varacchi, P. Ebrahimi, J. Dvorkin, and J. Puckette (2014), Can seismic velocities predict sweet spots in the Woodford Shale? A case study from McNeff 2–28 Well, Grady County, Oklahoma, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 104, 26-34. DOI: 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2014.02.005

Jaiswal, P., F. Al‐Hadrami, E. A. Atekwana, and E. A. Atekwana (2014), Mechanistic models of biofilm growth in porous media, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 119(7), 1418-1431. DOI: 10.1002/2013JG002440

Jaiswal, P., S. Al-Bulushi, and P. Dewangan (2014), Logging-while-drilling and wireline velocities: Site NGHP-01-10, Krishna–Godavari Basin, India, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 58, 331-338. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2014.05.006

Dewangan, P., R. Mandal, P. Jaiswal, T. Ramprasad, and G. Sriram (2014), Estimation of seismic attenuation of gas hydrate bearing sediments from multi-channel seismic data: A case study from Krishna–Godavari offshore basin, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 58, 356-367. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2014.05.015


Magazine Articles:

Barak, O., F. Herkenhoff, R. Dash, P. Jaiswal, J. Giles, S. de Ridder, R. Brune, and S. Ronen (2014), Six-component seismic land data acquired with geophones and rotation sensors: Wave-mode selectivity by application of multicomponent polarization filtering, The Leading Edge, 33(11), 1224-1232.


Expanded Abstracts:

Ebrahimi, P., and P. Jaiswal (2014), Enhancement of sub-basalt stratigraphy of Fareo-Shetland Basin using directional-filter, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2014, edited, pp. 1570-1574, Society of Exploration Geophysicists.

Barak, O., P. Jaiswal, S. de Ridder, J. Giles, R. Brune, and S. Ronen (2014), Six-component seismic land data acquired with geophones and rotation sensors: Wave-mode separation using 6C SVD, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2014, edited, pp. 1863-1867, Society of Exploration Geophysicists.

Alam, M., and P. Jaiswal (2014), Near Surface Imaging Using P-and SH-Full Waveform Inversion, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1, 3956.

Shukla, K., Y. Wang, and P. Jaiswal (2014), Numerical Solution of Poroelastic Wave Equation Using Nodal Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1, 4550.

Jaiswal, P., R. Raj, E. Atekwana, B. Briand, and I. Alam (2014), Elastic Wave Imaging of in-Situ Bio-Alterations in a Contaminated Aquifer, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1, 0007.

2013 - 2009

Peer Reviewed Journals:

Jaiswal, P., P. Dewangan, T. Ramprasad, and C. Zelt (2012), Seismic characterization of hydrates in faulted, fine‐grained sediments of Krishna‐Godavari basin: Unified imaging, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 117(B4). DOI: 10.1029/2011JB009024

Jaiswal, P., P. Dewangan, T. Ramprasad, and C. Zelt (2012), Seismic characterization of hydrates in faulted, fine‐grained sediments of Krishna‐Godavari Basin: Full waveform inversion, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 117(B10). DOI:10.1029/2012JB009201

Fesseha Woldearegay, A., P. Jaiswal, A. R. Simms, H. Alexander, L. C. Bement, and B. J. Carter (2012), Ultrashallow depth imaging of a channel stratigraphy with first-arrival traveltime inversion and prestack depth migration: A case history from Bull Creek, Oklahoma, Geophysics, 77(2), B87-B96. DOI:10.1190/geo2011-0218.1

Dewangan, P., G. Sriram, T. Ramprasad, M. Ramana, and P. Jaiswal (2011), Fault system and thermal regime in the vicinity of site NGHP-01-10, Krishna–Godavari basin, Bay of Bengal, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 28(10), 1899-1914. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2011.03.009


Magazine Articles:

Jaiswal, P., 2011. Detecting Hydrates with Patchy BSR: Krishna-Godavari Basin, India, Fire in the ice, US Department of Energy, 11 (2), 5 – 9 


Expanded Abstracts:

Abbasi, S., and P. Jaiswal (2013), Attenuating long-period multiples in short-offset 2D streamer data: Gulf of California, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2013, 4201-4205

Briand, B., and P. Jaiswal (2013), PP AND SS GROUND ROLL COMPARISON, in SAGEEP Technical Program and Expanded Abstracts 2013, 759-759, 


Chen, J., C. A. Zelt, and P. Jaiswal (2013), A case history: Application of frequency-dependent traveltime tomography and full waveform inversion to a known near-surface target, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2013, 1743-1748.

Jaiswal, P., and E. Atekwana (2013), Rock Physics Models of Biofilm Growth in Porous Media, in AGU Fall Meeting Expanded Abstracts, 1, 0450.

Varacchi, B., P. Jaiswal, J. Puckette, and J. Dvorkin (2012), Elastic Properties of Silica-Rich Mudrocks: Woodford Shale, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma,  in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2012, 1-7.

Gülünay, N., B. Reddy, K. Dasgupta, D. Manral, S. Singh, S. Rath, and P. Jaiswal (2012), Sub-thrust imaging with a composite inversion-migration method: Assam, India, in Istanbul 2012-International Geophysical Conference and Oil & Gas Exhibition Expanded Abstract, 1-4

Alhadhrami, F., P. Jaiswal, and E. Atekwana (2012), Quantifying Biofilm in Porous Media Using Rock Physics Models, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1, 0454.

Zelt, C., J. Chen, and P. Jaiswal (2012), Combining frequency-dependent traveltime tomography and frequency-domain waveform tomography for near-surface seismic refraction data, SAGEEP Technical Program and Expanded Abstracts 2012, 482, 10.1190/segam2012-1230.1

Woldearegay, A., P. Jaiswal, and A. Simms (2011), Seismic characterization of near-surface drainage pattern: Bull Creek, Oklahoma, in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2011, edited, pp. 2639-2643, Society of Exploration Geophysicists.

Jaiswal, P., and R. Dasgupta (2010), Imaging of 2-D multichannel land seismic data using an iterative inversion-migration scheme, Naga Thrust and Fold Belt, Assam, India, paper presented at EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.

Jaiswal, P., and C. Zelt (2010), Frequency Domain Full-Waveform Inversion in Imaging Thrust Related Features, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1, 07.

Jaiswal, P., C. Zelt, R. Dasgupta, and K. Nath (2010), Multiscale Imaging of a Thrust Belt, paper presented at 72nd EAGE Conference and Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2010.

Jaiswal, P., P. Dewangan, T. Ramprasad, S. Gullapallis, C. Zelt, M. Ramana, M. Lall, B. Kumar, and A. Sathe (2009), Gas Hydrate in the Krishna-Godavari Basin, India, paper presented at 71st EAGE Conference and Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2009.

2008 and older

Peer-reviewed Journals:

Jaiswal, P., C. A. Zelt, A. W. Bally, and R. Dasgupta (2008), 2-D traveltime and waveform inversion for improved seismic imaging: Naga Thrust and Fold Belt, India, Geophysical Journal International, 173(2), 642-658.

Jaiswal, P., and C. A. Zelt (2008), Unified imaging of multichannel seismic data: Combining traveltime inversion and prestack depth migration, Geophysics, 73(5), VE269-VE280.

Jaiswal, P., C. A. Zelt, and I. A. Pecher (2006), Seismic characterization of a gas hydrate system in the Gulf of Mexico using wide-aperture data, Geophysical Journal International, 165(1), 108-120.

Roy, K., and P. Jaiswal 2001), Two dimensional direct current resistivity forward modelling finite element C++ source code, Journal of geophysics, 22(2-4/1), 57-82.

Roy, K., P. Jaiswal, and A. Mukheejee (2000), Two Dimensional Direct Current Resistivity Finite Element Forward Model, Indian Journal of Geology, 72(1), 61-75.


Expanded Abstracts:

Gu, G., P. Jaiswal, W. Chapman, C. Zelt, and G. Hirasaki (2008), Compositional effect on hydrate/free gas transition and BSR, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1, 1256.

Jaiswal, P., C. Zelt, and I. Pecher (2001), Seismic Characterization of a Gas Hydrate System in the Gulf of Mexico, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1, 0577.

Jaiswal, P., C. A. Zelt, and R. Dasgupta (2007), 2-D waveform and traveltime inversion for seismic imaging of the Naga thrust fault, India, paper presented at 2007 SEG Annual Meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists.

Jaiswal, P., C. Zelt, and R. Dasgupta (2007), Traveltime and Full-Waveform Inversion for Improved Seismic Imaging in Geologically Complex Areas, paper presented at 69th EAGE Conference and Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2007.

Jaiswal, P., C. A. Zelt, and R. Dasgupta (2008), Near-Surface Imaging with Traveltime and Waveform Inversion, paper presented at 2008 SEG Annual Meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists.

Jaiswal, P., C. Zelt, and R. Dasgupta (2008), Towards a Unified Imaging Procedure for 2-D Land Multichannel Seismic Data, paper presented at 70th EAGE Conference and Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2008.

Jaiswal, P., C. Zelt, A. Bally, and R. Dasgupta (2006), Velocity Modeling of Naga Thrust, North-East India, paper presented at 68th EAGE Conference and Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2006.